diff --git a/build_exocortex.sh b/build_exocortex.sh
index 2321871..78b936d 100755
--- a/build_exocortex.sh
+++ b/build_exocortex.sh
@@ -15,7 +15,11 @@ cd ./public/exocortex-hugo-md/
npx quartz build
cd ../../
+# copy latex images into the public directory
+rsync -avi --delete ../thought_garden/ltximg/ ./public/exocortex-hugo-md/public/ltximg/
# copy the generated folder to the main public site
rsync -avi --delete ./public/exocortex-hugo-md/public/ ./public/cosmicflow-html/exocortex/
echo "exocortex created"
diff --git a/content/FAQ.org b/content/FAQ.org
index 9be0f2d..b5b157c 100644
--- a/content/FAQ.org
+++ b/content/FAQ.org
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
#+title: Faq
-#+setupfile: main.setup
: +-------------------------------------------+
@@ -17,8 +16,3 @@
: +-------------------------------------------+
-#+name: link-list
-| [[file:index.org][Home]] | [[file:blogs/blog-index.org][Blogs]] | [[file:about.org][About]] | [[file:FAQ.org][FAQ]] | [[file:news.org][News]] | [[file:contact.org][PGP]] | [[file:links.org][Links]] |
diff --git a/create-site.el b/create-site.el
index 026de6f..72a30f0 100755
--- a/create-site.el
+++ b/create-site.el
@@ -73,18 +73,19 @@
(div (@ (class "site-masthead"))
(div (@ (class "container"))
(nav (@ (class "nav"))
- (a (@ (class "nav-link") (href "/")) "Home") " "
- (a (@ (class "nav-link") (href "/exocortex/")) "Thought Garden") " "
- (a (@ (class "nav-link") (href "/blogs/")) "Blog") " "
- (a (@ (class "nav-link") (href "https://cosmicflow.space:3030/")) "Git-(clearweb)") " "
- (a (@ (class "nav-link") (href "http://git.cosmicflow.i2p/")) "Git-(i2p)") " "
- (a (@ (class "nav-link") (href "http://pohnq5z43ok3tefj6v3qx2zgn7zinpf4s55kztqxifa2poc3oirpe2id.onion/")) "Git-(tor)") " "
- (a (@ (class "nav-link") (href "/about/")) "About") " "
- (a (@ (class "nav-link") (href "/contact/")) "PGP") " "
- (a (@ (class "nav-link") (href "/links/")) "Links") " "
- (a (@ (class "nav-link") (href "/gallery/")) "Gallery") " "
- (a (@ (class "nav-link") (href "/news/")) "News")))))))
+ (a (@ (class "nav-link") (href "/")) "Home") " "
+ (a (@ (class "nav-link") (href "/exocortex/")) "Thought Ocean requires javascript") " "
+ (a (@ (class "nav-link") (href "/blogs/")) "Blog") " "
+ (a (@ (class "nav-link") (href "https://cosmicflow.space:3030/")) "Git clearweb") " "
+ (a (@ (class "nav-link") (href "http://git.cosmicflow.i2p/")) "Git i2p") " "
+ (a (@ (class "nav-link") (href "http://pohnq5z43ok3tefj6v3qx2zgn7zinpf4s55kztqxifa2poc3oirpe2id.onion/")) "Git tor") " "
+ (a (@ (class "nav-link") (href "/about/")) "About") " "
+ (a (@ (class "nav-link") (href "/contact/")) "PGP") " "
+ (a (@ (class "nav-link") (href "/links/")) "Links") " "
+ (a (@ (class "nav-link") (href "/gallery/")) "Gallery") " "
+ (a (@ (class "nav-link") (href "/news/")) "News")))))))
(defun my/site-footer ()
(list `(footer (@ (class "site-footer"))