[2024-06-21 Fri] Major changes to the code

This commit is contained in:
Dibyashanu Pati 2024-06-21 23:08:58 +05:30
parent be3306aac2
commit dc31e6399c
24 changed files with 500 additions and 279 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View file

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@

View file

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
|Title|Last Modified|Created|
|[[file:./blogs/test_blog_3.org][Test Blog]]||[2024-02-05 Thu]|

View file

@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
: +-------------------------------------------+
#+name: link-list.txt
| [[file:index.org][Home]] | [[file:blogs/blog-list.org][Blog]] | [[file:about.org][About]] | [[file:FAQ.org][FAQ]] | [[file:news.org][News]] | [[file:contact.org][PGP]] | [[file:links.org][Links]] |
#+name: link-list
| [[file:index.org][Home]] | [[file:blogs/blog-index.org][Blogs]] | [[file:about.org][About]] | [[file:FAQ.org][FAQ]] | [[file:news.org][News]] | [[file:contact.org][PGP]] | [[file:links.org][Links]] |

View file

@ -13,10 +13,10 @@
: +--------------------------------------+
#+name: link-list.txt
| [[file:index.org][Home]] | [[file:blogs/blog-list.org][Blog]] | [[file:about.org][About]] | [[file:FAQ.org][FAQ]] | [[file:news.org][News]] | [[file:contact.org][PGP]] | [[file:links.org][Links]] |
#+name: link-list
| [[file:index.org][Home]] | [[file:blogs/blog-index.org][Blogs]] | [[file:about.org][About]] | [[file:FAQ.org][FAQ]] | [[file:news.org][News]] | [[file:contact.org][PGP]] | [[file:links.org][Links]] |
We think that knowledge should be open to everyone and freely accessible.

View file

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
* A list of All Blogs
#+name: blog-table-complete.txt
#+name: blog-table-complete
|Title|Last Modified|Created|

View file

@ -11,10 +11,10 @@
#+name: link-list.txt
| [[file:index.org][Home]] | [[file:blogs/blog-list.org][Blog]] | [[file:about.org][About]] | [[file:FAQ.org][FAQ]] | [[file:news.org][News]] | [[file:contact.org][PGP]] | [[file:links.org][Links]] |
#+name: link-list
| [[file:index.org][Home]] | [[file:blogs/blog-index.org][Blogs]] | [[file:about.org][About]] | [[file:FAQ.org][FAQ]] | [[file:news.org][News]] | [[file:contact.org][PGP]] | [[file:links.org][Links]] |
* Dibyashanu Pati

View file

@ -13,16 +13,9 @@
: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
#+name: link-list.txt
| [[file:index.org][Home]] | [[file:blogs/blog-list.org][Blog]] | [[file:about.org][About]] | [[file:FAQ.org][FAQ]] | [[file:news.org][News]] | [[file:contact.org][PGP]] | [[file:links.org][Links]] |
#+name: link-list
| [[file:index.org][Home]] | [[file:blogs/blog-index.org][Blogs]] | [[file:about.org][About]] | [[file:FAQ.org][FAQ]] | [[file:news.org][News]] | [[file:contact.org][PGP]] | [[file:links.org][Links]] |
* Latest Blogs
Here is a list of our latest blog posts
#+name: blog-table-latest-10.txt
|Title|Last Modified|Created|
|[[file:./blogs/test_blog_3.org][Test Blog]]||[2024-02-05 Thu]|

View file

@ -28,10 +28,10 @@
: +------------------------------------------+
#+name: link-list.txt
| [[file:index.org][Home]] | [[file:blogs/blog-list.org][Blog]] | [[file:about.org][About]] | [[file:FAQ.org][FAQ]] | [[file:news.org][News]] | [[file:contact.org][PGP]] | [[file:links.org][Links]] |
#+name: link-list
| [[file:index.org][Home]] | [[file:blogs/blog-index.org][Blogs]] | [[file:about.org][About]] | [[file:FAQ.org][FAQ]] | [[file:news.org][News]] | [[file:contact.org][PGP]] | [[file:links.org][Links]] |
#+TOC: headlines 1
@ -42,9 +42,4 @@ https://cosmicpirates.space/
** TOR
#+name: tor-onionv3-address.txt
** I2P
#+name: i2p-b32-address.txt
Not found

content/news.org Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
#+title: News
#+created: [2024-03-01 Fri]
#+last_modified: [2024-03-06 Wed]
#+setupfile: main.setup
: +--------------------------------------+
: | _ _ |
: | | \ | | ___ __ __ ___ |
: | | \| | / _ \ \ \ /\ / / / __| |
: | | |\ | | __/ \ V V / \__ \ |
: | |_| \_| \___| \_/\_/ |___/ |
: +--------------------------------------+
#+name: link-list
| [[file:index.org][Home]] | [[file:blogs/blog-index.org][Blogs]] | [[file:about.org][About]] | [[file:FAQ.org][FAQ]] | [[file:news.org][News]] | [[file:contact.org][PGP]] | [[file:links.org][Links]] |
* TOR and I2P - [2024-03-06 Wed]
Went live on I2P
#+name: i2p-b32-address.txt
Not found

create-site.el Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
;; Set the package installation directory so that packages aren't stored in the
;; ~/.emacs.d/elpa path.
(require 'package)
(setq package-user-dir (expand-file-name "./.packages"))
(setq package-archives '(("melpa" . "https://melpa.org/packages/")
("elpa" . "https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/")))
;; Initialize the package system
(unless package-archive-contents
;; Install dependencies
(package-install 'htmlize)
(package-install 'ox-gemini)
;; Load the publishing system
(require 'ox-publish)
(use-package ox-gemini)
(setq org-publish-use-timestamps-flag nil)
(setq org-html-validation-link nil
org-html-head-include-scripts nil
org-html-head-include-default-style nil
org-html-preamble nil
org-html-postamble nil
org-html-use-infojs nil
(setq org-publish-project-alist '(
:base-directory "./content"
:base-extension "org"
:publishing-directory "public/cosmicpirates.space-html"
:recursive t
:publishing-function org-html-publish-to-html
;;:with-author nil
;;:with-creator nil
;;:email nil
:with-timestamps nil
:base-directory "./content/static"
:base-extension "css\\|ttf\\|png\\|jpg\\|gif\\|pdf\\|mp3\\|mp4\\|xml\\|html"
:publishing-directory "./public/cosmicpirates.space-html/static"
:recursive t
:publishing-function org-publish-attachment
:base-directory "./content"
:base-extension "org"
:publishing-directory "./public/cosmicpirates.space-gmi"
:recursive t
:publishing-function org-gemini-publish-to-gemini
:with-author nil
:with-creator nil
:email nil
:with-timestamps nil
:base-directory "./content/static"
:base-extension "css\\|ttf\\|png\\|jpg\\|gif\\|pdf\\|mp3\\|xml\\|html"
:publishing-directory "./public/cosmicpirates.space-gmi/static"
:recursive t
:publishing-function org-publish-attachment
export txt file as txt file in org html website publish
;; publish the websites
(org-publish-all t)
(message "Build complete!")

create.sh Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# update addresses
python scripts/generate_and_update_address_files.py
#Add headings links to all top level files
python scripts/heading-link-generator.py
# Generate the main blog table
python scripts/blog-table-generator.py
# generate the html and gemini versions of the site using org-publish
emacs -Q --script create-site.el

View file

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
| [[file:index.org][Home]] | [[file:blogs/blog-list.org][Blog]] | [[file:about.org][About]] | [[file:FAQ.org][FAQ]] | [[file:news.org][News]] | [[file:contact.org][PGP]] | [[file:links.org][Links]] |

View file

@ -3,18 +3,13 @@
* Usage Instructions and Best Practices
** Basic Plan
+ The entire organization of the website is generated by the scripts in this file.
+ These scripts generated org files which are later published in other formats
+ The entire organization of the website is generated by the +scripts in this file+ scripts in the [[file:scripts/]] directory.
+ These scripts generated by this file.
+ To run the scripts in [[file:scripts/]] and to generate the website just run [[file:create.sh]]
** TODO Software and tools
** Software and tools
+ python
+ [[https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/][Emacs]]
+ [[https://github.com/doomemacs/doomemacs][doomemacs]]
** How to use this file
This file contains all the information for the website and updating the website consist of the following steps
1. Run all scripts on this page by running org-babel-execut-buffer(C-c C-v b)
2. Publish the Project org-Publish (SPC-m P p)
3. Check the local copy of the website
4. If sure sync the local copy with the server copy
** Advice
+ Do not use the #+include tag
Writing dynamic content to files and then using #+include to include them in other files has unreliable link conversion
@ -258,10 +253,9 @@ o888bood8P' o888o `Y8bod8P' `8oooooo. 8""888P'
** File Read Write functions
*** Write in the place with a given #+name tag
#+begin_src python
#+begin_src python :results silent
def write_output_to_org_file(file_path, name, output):
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
data = file.readlines()
@ -275,9 +269,6 @@ def write_output_to_org_file(file_path, name, output):
: None
*** Read txt files
#+begin_src python
def read_file(file_path):
@ -294,22 +285,21 @@ def read_file(file_path):
* Administrative-scripts
** Blogs
*** Main Blog list
**** Generate Main blog list for [[file:blogs/blog-list.org]]
The following script looks at all org files(except [[blogs/Blog-list.org][blog-list.org]]) in the [[file:blogs]] directory and finds there title, creation date, and last modified date and then displays it in the file in the form of a org table then this table is exported to [[Blogs/blog-table-complete.org]] which ultimately included in [[Blog/Blog-list.org]].
This could also have been done using the :results_switches parameter but then the result text would have to be in python(ie the same language as the generating block) so instead I used the elisp block [[file:::blog-list-table-result-writer]].
:HEADER-ARGS: python :tangle scripts/blog-table-generator.py :comments both
**** Generate Main blog list for [[file:content/blogs/blog-index.org]]
The following code block looks at all org files(except [[file:content/blogs/blog-index.org]] ) in the [[file:content/blogs/]] directory and finds there title, creation date, and last modified date and then creates an org table, then this table is stored as a string in the blog_table variable
# begin_src python :results output raw :exports results
#+name: blog-table-generator
#+begin_src python :results output raw :exports none
#+begin_src python
import os
from datetime import datetime
# path of the blog directory
blogs_directory = "./blogs/"
blogs_directory = "./content/blogs"
# get a list of all things in blogs_directory
@ -319,16 +309,19 @@ max_lines_to_scan = 10
#Only include files which are .org and do no include the main Blog-list.org file which serves as an index
b = []
for i in range(0,len(blog_list)):
if blog_list[i].endswith(".org") and blog_list[i] != 'blog-list.org':
if blog_list[i].endswith(".org") and blog_list[i] != 'blog-index.org':
#Sort blog files by last modified time
# blog_list.sort(key=lambda x: os.path.getmtime(blogs_directory+x),reverse=True)
# variable to store output table
blog_table = ""
#prints the heading of the list.
print("|Title|Last Modified|Created|")
blog_table += ("|-\n")
blog_table += ("|Title|Last Modified|Created|\n")
titles = []
title_found = False
@ -336,6 +329,7 @@ creation_dates = []
creation_found = False
last_modified_found = False
last_modified_dates = []
# finds the title, last modified time and creation time
for blog_no in range(0,len(blog_list)):
with open(blogs_directory +'/'+ blog_list[blog_no], "r") as file:
@ -364,7 +358,7 @@ for blog_no in range(0,len(blog_list)):
if title_found == False:
blog_table += ("|-\n")
def sort_multiple_lists(*args):
"""This function sorts multiple lists according to the sorting of the first list and returns the sorted lists as a tuple"""
@ -382,39 +376,15 @@ def sort_multiple_lists(*args):
# Extract the sorted lists and return them
# print((creation_dates,last_modified_dates,blog_list))
# Sort all lists according to creation_date
sorted_creation_dates,sorted_titles,sorted_last_modified_dates,sorted_blog_list = sort_multiple_lists(creation_dates,titles,last_modified_dates,blog_list)
# print((creation_dates,last_modified_dates,blog_list))
# creation_dates,blog_list= zip(*sorted(zip(creation_dates,blog_list),reverse = True))
#prints the rest of the list
for blog_no in range(0,len(blog_list)):
print( "|"+ '[[file:'+ sorted_blog_list[blog_no]+ ']' + '['+sorted_titles[blog_no] + ']]'+ '|' +sorted_last_modified_dates[blog_no] + '|' + sorted_creation_dates[blog_no] + '|')
blog_table += ("|"+ '[[file:'+ sorted_blog_list[blog_no]+ ']' + '['+sorted_titles[blog_no] + ']]'+ '|' +sorted_last_modified_dates[blog_no] + '|' + sorted_creation_dates[blog_no] + '|\n')
#+RESULTS: blog-table-generator
|Title|Last Modified|Created|
|[[file:test_blog_3.org][Test Blog]]||[2024-02-05 Thu]|
**** Write the main blog list in [[file:blogs/blog-table-complete.txt]]
The snippet below writes the table above to a text file [[file:blogs/blog-table-complete.txt]]
#+name: blog-list-table-result-writer
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent
(org-babel-goto-named-result "blog-table-generator")
(write-region (point) (org-babel-result-end) "blogs/blog-table-complete.txt")
**** Read and write the main blog list into [[file:blogs/blog-list.org]]
#+begin_src python :results silent
**** Write the blog table into [[file:content/blogs/blog-index.org]]
#+begin_src python
def write_output_to_org_file(file_path, name, output):
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
@ -445,146 +415,26 @@ def erase_until_newline_after_name(filename):
def read_file(file_path):
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
file_contents = file.read()
return file_contents
except FileNotFoundError:
return "Not found"
write_output_to_org_file( "blogs/blog-list.org", "blog-table-complete.txt", read_file('blogs/blog-table-complete.txt'))
*** Latest Blogs
**** Generating a list of 10 latest blogs
This snippet just extracts the first 10 lines from file:blogs/blog-table-complete.txt
#+name: latest-10-blog-table-generator
#+begin_src python :results output raw :exports none
def extract_first_n_lines(file_path, n: int):
"""Helper function to extract n lines from a text file"""
lines =[]
with open(file_path,'r') as file:
for _ in range(n):
line = file.readline().rstrip('\n')
if not line:
return lines
def prepend_path_to_links(string,path):
"""This is a helper function which fixes the relative file paths in a string"""
import re
# pattern to match file links
pattern = r'\[\[.*?\]'
# find all links
org_links = re.findall(pattern,string)
for org_link in org_links:
# Extract the path from the org link
path_retgx = r'\[\[(.*?)\]'
path_match = re.search(path_retgx,org_link)
if path_match:
current_path = path_match.group(1)
# Prepend the provided path to the current path
new_path = '{}{}'.format(path,current_path)
# Repalace the old path with the new path in the org link
updated_org_link = org_link.replace(current_path,new_path)
#Return the replaced string
for line in list_of_output_lines:
line = line.replace('file:','')
modified_line = prepend_path_to_links(line,"file:./blogs/")
if modified_line == None:
#+RESULTS: latest-10-blog-table-generator
|Title|Last Modified|Created|
|[[file:./blogs/test_blog_3.org][Test Blog]]||[2024-02-05 Thu]|
**** Write the latest 10 blogs in a txt file
Write the above result to [[file:blog-table-latest-10.txt]]
#+name: latest-10-blog-table-result-writer
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent
(org-babel-goto-named-result "latest-10-blog-table-generator")
(write-region (point) (org-babel-result-end) "blog-table-latest-10.txt")
**** Read and write the latest 10 blogs table in [[file:index.org]]
#+begin_src python :results silent
def write_output_to_org_file(file_path, name, output):
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
data = file.readlines()
with open(file_path, 'w') as file:
for line in data:
if '#+name: ' in line and name in line:
def erase_until_newline_after_name(filename,name):
with open(filename, 'r') as file:
lines = file.readlines()
with open(filename, 'w') as file:
erase = False
for line in lines:
if "#+name" in line and name in line:
erase = True
if erase:
if line == '\n':
erase = False
def read_file(file_path):
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
file_contents = file.read()
return file_contents
except FileNotFoundError:
return "Not found"
write_output_to_org_file( "index.org", "blog-table-latest-10.txt", read_file('blog-table-latest-10.txt'))
write_output_to_org_file( "content/blogs/blog-index.org", "blog-table-complete", blog_table)
print("Blog table generated successfully")
** The Links table
:HEADER-ARGS: python :tangle scripts/heading-link-generator.py :comments both
#+name: link-list
| [[file:index.org][Home]] | [[file:blogs/blog-list.org][Blog]] | [[file:about.org][About]] | [[file:FAQ.org][FAQ]] | [[file:news.org][News]] | [[file:contact.org][PGP]] | [[file:links.org][Links]] |
# Git | Archive | Series | Art | Links | Support |
| [[file:index.org][Home]] | [[file:blogs/blog-index.org][Blogs]] | [[file:about.org][About]] | [[file:FAQ.org][FAQ]] | [[file:news.org][News]] | [[file:contact.org][PGP]] | [[file:links.org][Links]] |
*** Write link-list to [[file:link-list.txt]]
#+begin_src python :results silent
*** Read the above link-list
#+begin_src python
def read_until_newline_after_name(filename,name):
with open(filename, 'r') as file:
lines = file.readlines()
@ -607,11 +457,11 @@ def write_to_file(file_path, content):
with open(file_path, 'w') as file:
heading_link_list = read_until_newline_after_name('main.org','link-list')
*** Read and write the link table in all files in the root directory except [[file:main.org]]
#+begin_src python :results silent
*** Write the link table in all files in the root directory except [[file:main.org]]
#+begin_src python
import os
def write_output_to_org_file(file_path, name, output):
@ -652,16 +502,22 @@ def read_file(file_path):
except FileNotFoundError:
return "Not found"
directory = './'
directory = './content/'
for filename in os.listdir(directory):
if filename.endswith('.org') and filename != 'main.org':
file_path = os.path.join(directory, filename)
# Process the org file here
write_output_to_org_file( file_path,"link-list.txt", read_file('link-list.txt'))
write_output_to_org_file(file_path,"link-list", heading_link_list)
print(f' Heading links added to {file_path}')
print('All heading links added')
** Onion and I2P addresses
:HEADER-ARGS: python :tangle scripts/generate_and_update_address_files.py :comments both
#+name: i2p-b32-address
@ -671,7 +527,7 @@ http://acfc2abqv65bdiwimrx74vrlxy6eel66cjlmgqqvdekcrx7ufl3c2cad.onion
*** Write to txt files
#+begin_src python :results silent
#+begin_src python
def read_until_newline_after_name(filename,name):
with open(filename, 'r') as file:
lines = file.readlines()
@ -694,8 +550,10 @@ def write_to_file(file_path, content):
with open(file_path, 'w') as file:
print('content/static/i2p-b32-address.txt written')
print('content/static/tor-onionv3-address.txt written')
*** Read and write addresses to all files
@ -740,7 +598,7 @@ def read_file(file_path):
except FileNotFoundError:
return "Not found"
directory = './'
directory = './content/'
for root,dir,filename in os.walk(directory):
for file in filename:
if file.endswith('.org') and file != 'main.org':
@ -748,9 +606,11 @@ for root,dir,filename in os.walk(directory):
# Process the org file here
write_output_to_org_file( file_path,"i2p-b32-address.txt", read_file('i2p-b32-address.txt'))
write_output_to_org_file( file_path,"tor-onionv3-address.txt", read_file('tor-onionv3-address.txt'))
print(f' Addresses written in {file_path}')
* Things to do
** DONE Setup Gitea to host the source code (org files) of the website
* TODO Things to do
** TODO Improve css
** Put something in [[file:content/index.org]]

View file

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
#+title: News
#+created: [2024-03-01 Fri]
#+last_modified: [2024-03-06 Wed]
#+setupfile: main.setup
: +--------------------------------------+
: | _ _ |
: | | \ | | ___ __ __ ___ |
: | | \| | / _ \ \ \ /\ / / / __| |
: | | |\ | | __/ \ V V / \__ \ |
: | |_| \_| \___| \_/\_/ |___/ |
: +--------------------------------------+
#+name: link-list.txt
| [[file:index.org][Home]] | [[file:blogs/blog-list.org][Blog]] | [[file:about.org][About]] | [[file:FAQ.org][FAQ]] | [[file:news.org][News]] | [[file:contact.org][PGP]] | [[file:links.org][Links]] |
* TOR and I2P - [2024-03-06 Wed]
Went live on I2P
#+name: i2p-b32-address.txt
Went live on TOR
#+name: tor-onionv3-address.txt
* First Light - [2024-03-02 Sat]
Website went live
Got our first SSL Certificates
* Big Bang !! - [2024-03-01 Fri]
The site was created from scratch.

publish.sh Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh
rsync -avh --delete public/cosmicpirates.space-html/ /var/www/cosmicpirates.space/cosmicpirates.space-html

View file

@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
# Generate Main blog list for [[file:content/blogs/blog-index.org]]
# The following code block looks at all org files(except [[file:content/blogs/blog-index.org]] ) in the [[file:content/blogs/]] directory and finds there title, creation date, and last modified date and then creates an org table, then this table is stored as a string in the blog_table variable
# # begin_src python :results output raw :exports results
# #+name: blog-table-generator
# [[file:../main.org::blog-table-generator][blog-table-generator]]
import os
from datetime import datetime
# path of the blog directory
blogs_directory = "./content/blogs"
# get a list of all things in blogs_directory
blog_list = os.listdir(blogs_directory)
max_lines_to_scan = 10
#Only include files which are .org and do no include the main Blog-list.org file which serves as an index
b = []
for i in range(0,len(blog_list)):
if blog_list[i].endswith(".org") and blog_list[i] != 'blog-index.org':
#Sort blog files by last modified time
# blog_list.sort(key=lambda x: os.path.getmtime(blogs_directory+x),reverse=True)
# variable to store output table
blog_table = ""
#prints the heading of the list.
blog_table += ("|-\n")
blog_table += ("|Title|Last Modified|Created|\n")
titles = []
title_found = False
creation_dates = []
creation_found = False
last_modified_found = False
last_modified_dates = []
# finds the title, last modified time and creation time
for blog_no in range(0,len(blog_list)):
with open(blogs_directory +'/'+ blog_list[blog_no], "r") as file:
creation_found = False
last_modified_found = False
title_found = False
for line_no in range(max_lines_to_scan):
line = str(next(file))
except Exception as e:
if (line.lower()).startswith('#+title') and title_found == False:
title_found = True
elif (line.lower()).startswith('#+created') and creation_found == False:
creation_found = True
elif (line.lower()).startswith('#+last_modified') and last_modified_found == False:
last_modified_found = True
if title_found == True and last_modified_found == True and creation_found == True:
if last_modified_found == False:
if creation_found == False:
if title_found == False:
blog_table += ("|-\n")
def sort_multiple_lists(*args):
"""This function sorts multiple lists according to the sorting of the first list and returns the sorted lists as a tuple"""
#Extract the firstlist from the argumnts and find its length
first_list = args[0]
list_length = len(first_list)
# Group all corresponding elements into a list of tuples
tuples_list = list(zip(*args))
# Sort the tuples according to there first elements
sorted_tuples_list = sorted(tuples_list,key = lambda x: first_list.index(x[0]),reverse = False)
# Extract the sorted lists and return them
# Sort all lists according to creation_date
sorted_creation_dates,sorted_titles,sorted_last_modified_dates,sorted_blog_list = sort_multiple_lists(creation_dates,titles,last_modified_dates,blog_list)
for blog_no in range(0,len(blog_list)):
blog_table += ("|"+ '[[file:'+ sorted_blog_list[blog_no]+ ']' + '['+sorted_titles[blog_no] + ']]'+ '|' +sorted_last_modified_dates[blog_no] + '|' + sorted_creation_dates[blog_no] + '|\n')
# blog-table-generator ends here
# Write the blog table into [[file:content/blogs/blog-index.org]]
# [[file:../main.org::*Write the blog table into \[\[file:content/blogs/blog-index.org\]\]][Write the blog table into [[file:content/blogs/blog-index.org]]:1]]
def write_output_to_org_file(file_path, name, output):
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
data = file.readlines()
with open(file_path, 'w') as file:
for line in data:
if '#+name: ' in line and name in line:
def erase_until_newline_after_name(filename):
with open(filename, 'r') as file:
lines = file.readlines()
with open(filename, 'w') as file:
erase = False
for line in lines:
if "#+name" in line:
erase = True
if erase:
if line == '\n':
erase = False
write_output_to_org_file( "content/blogs/blog-index.org", "blog-table-complete", blog_table)
print("Blog table generated successfully")
# Write the blog table into [[file:content/blogs/blog-index.org]]:1 ends here

View file

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
# Write to txt files
# [[file:../main.org::*Write to txt files][Write to txt files:1]]
def read_until_newline_after_name(filename,name):
with open(filename, 'r') as file:
lines = file.readlines()
content = ""
in_name = False
for line in lines:
if "#+name" in line and name in line:
in_name = True
if in_name:
if line == '\n':
in_name = False
content += line
def write_to_file(file_path, content):
with open(file_path, 'w') as file:
print('content/static/i2p-b32-address.txt written')
print('content/static/tor-onionv3-address.txt written')
# Write to txt files:1 ends here
# Read and write addresses to all files
# [[file:../main.org::*Read and write addresses to all files][Read and write addresses to all files:1]]
import os
def write_output_to_org_file(file_path, name, output):
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
data = file.readlines()
with open(file_path, 'w') as file:
for line in data:
if '#+name: ' in line and name in line:
def erase_until_newline_after_name(filename,name):
with open(filename, 'r') as file:
lines = file.readlines()
with open(filename, 'w') as file:
erase = False
for line in lines:
if "#+name" in line and name in line:
erase = True
if erase:
if line == '\n':
erase = False
def read_file(file_path):
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
file_contents = file.read()
return file_contents
except FileNotFoundError:
return "Not found"
directory = './content/'
for root,dir,filename in os.walk(directory):
for file in filename:
if file.endswith('.org') and file != 'main.org':
file_path = os.path.join(root, file)
# Process the org file here
write_output_to_org_file( file_path,"i2p-b32-address.txt", read_file('i2p-b32-address.txt'))
write_output_to_org_file( file_path,"tor-onionv3-address.txt", read_file('tor-onionv3-address.txt'))
print(f' Addresses written in {file_path}')
# Read and write addresses to all files:1 ends here

View file

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
# Read the above link-list
# [[file:../main.org::*Read the above link-list][Read the above link-list:1]]
def read_until_newline_after_name(filename,name):
with open(filename, 'r') as file:
lines = file.readlines()
content = ""
in_name = False
for line in lines:
if "#+name" in line and name in line:
in_name = True
if in_name:
if line == '\n':
in_name = False
content += line
def write_to_file(file_path, content):
with open(file_path, 'w') as file:
heading_link_list = read_until_newline_after_name('main.org','link-list')
# Read the above link-list:1 ends here
# Write the link table in all files in the root directory except [[file:main.org]]
# [[file:../main.org::*Write the link table in all files in the root directory except \[\[file:main.org\]\]][Write the link table in all files in the root directory except [[file:main.org]]:1]]
import os
def write_output_to_org_file(file_path, name, output):
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
data = file.readlines()
with open(file_path, 'w') as file:
for line in data:
if '#+name: ' in line and name in line:
def erase_until_newline_after_name(filename,name):
with open(filename, 'r') as file:
lines = file.readlines()
with open(filename, 'w') as file:
erase = False
for line in lines:
if "#+name" in line and name in line:
erase = True
if erase:
if line == '\n':
erase = False
def read_file(file_path):
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
file_contents = file.read()
return file_contents
except FileNotFoundError:
return "Not found"
directory = './content/'
for filename in os.listdir(directory):
if filename.endswith('.org') and filename != 'main.org':
file_path = os.path.join(directory, filename)
# Process the org file here
write_output_to_org_file(file_path,"link-list", heading_link_list)
print(f' Heading links added to {file_path}')
print('All heading links added')
# Write the link table in all files in the root directory except [[file:main.org]]:1 ends here