#This script creates the exocortex # start clean rm -rf ./public/exocortex-hugo-md/public/* rm -rf ./public/exocortex-hugo-md/content/ # sync bibtex references rsync -avi ~/projects/thought_garden/References.bib ./public/exocortex-hugo-md/References.bib # create hugo md files using ox-hugo emacs -Q --batch -l ox-hugo-exocortex.el # build create html files from hugo markdown files using quartz cd ./public/exocortex-hugo-md/ npx quartz build cd ../../ # copy latex images into the public directory rsync -avi --delete ../thought_garden/ltximg/ ./public/exocortex-hugo-md/public/ltximg/ # copy normal images into the public directory rsync -avi --delete ../thought_garden/images/ ./public/exocortex-hugo-md/public/ox-hugo/ # copy the generated folder to the main public site rsync -avi --delete ./public/exocortex-hugo-md/public/ ./public/cosmicflow-html/exocortex/ echo "exocortex created"