diff --git a/content/notes/CJK + Latex Support (测试).md b/content/notes/CJK + Latex Support (测试).md
index 14eb77d..d6e4ae9 100644
--- a/content/notes/CJK + Latex Support (测试).md	
+++ b/content/notes/CJK + Latex Support (测试).md	
@@ -38,9 +38,3 @@ $$
 ## RTL
 More information on configuring RTL languages like Arabic in the [config](notes/config.md) page.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/layouts/partials/textprocessing.html b/layouts/partials/textprocessing.html
index dfa0b6e..ad76d04 100644
--- a/layouts/partials/textprocessing.html
+++ b/layouts/partials/textprocessing.html
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 {{ $content := .Content }}
+{{ $raw := .RawContent }}
 {{ $page := .Page }}
 {{/* Escape slashes for Latex to fix line breaks */}}
@@ -9,34 +10,46 @@
 {{/* Wikilinks */}}
-{{$wikilinks := $content | findRE "!?\\[\\[\\S[^\\[\\]\\|]*(?:\\|[^\\[\\]]*)?\\S\\]\\]" }}
+{{$wikilinks := $raw | findRE "!?\\[\\[\\S[^\\[\\]\\|]*(?:\\|[^\\[\\]]*)?\\S\\]\\]" }}
+{{$codefences := $raw | findRE "\\x60[^\\x60\\n]+\\x60"}}
+{{$codeblocks := $raw | findRE "\\x60{3}[^\\x60]+\\x60{3}"}}
+{{$code := union $codefences $codeblocks}}
 {{range $wikilinks}}
-  {{if (hasPrefix . "!")}}
-    {{$inner := . | strings.TrimPrefix "![[" | strings.TrimSuffix "]]" }}
-    {{$split := split $inner "|"}}
-    {{$path := index $split 0}}
-    {{$reference := split $path "#"}}
-    {{$title := index $reference 0}}
-    {{$display := default $title (index $split 1)}}
-    {{$img := printf "<img src=\"%s\" title=\"%s\">" $path $display}}
-    {{$content = replace $content . $img}}
-  {{else}}
-    {{$inner := . | strings.TrimPrefix "[[" | strings.TrimSuffix "]]" }}
-    {{$split := split $inner "|"}}
-    {{$path := index $split 0}}
-    {{$reference := split $path "#"}}
-    {{$title := index $reference 0}}
-    {{$block := default "" (index $reference 1)}}
-    {{$block = strings.TrimRight "/" (cond (eq $block "") $block (printf "#%s" $block))}}
-    {{$href := strings.TrimRight "/" ($page.GetPage $title).RelPermalink}}
-    {{$display := default $title (index $split 1)}}
-    {{if not $href}}
-      {{$link := printf "<a class=\"internal-link broken\">%s</a>" $display}}
-      {{$content = replace $content . $link}}
+  {{$cur := .}}
+  {{$incode := false}}
+  {{range $code}}
+    {{if (in . $cur)}}
+      {{$incode = true}}
+    {{end}}
+  {{end}}
+  {{if not $incode}}
+    {{if (hasPrefix . "!")}}
+      {{$inner := . | strings.TrimPrefix "![[" | strings.TrimSuffix "]]" }}
+      {{$split := split $inner "|"}}
+      {{$path := index $split 0}}
+      {{$reference := split $path "#"}}
+      {{$title := index $reference 0}}
+      {{$display := default $title (index $split 1)}}
+      {{$img := printf "<img src=\"%s\" title=\"%s\">" $path $display}}
+      {{$content = replace $content . $img}}
-      {{$fullhref := printf "%s%s" $href $block }}
-      {{$link := printf "<a href=\"%s\" rel=\"noopener\" class=\"internal-link\" data-src=\"%s\">%s</a>" $fullhref $href $display}}
-      {{$content = replace $content . $link}}
+      {{$inner := . | strings.TrimPrefix "[[" | strings.TrimSuffix "]]" }}
+      {{$split := split $inner "|"}}
+      {{$path := index $split 0}}
+      {{$reference := split $path "#"}}
+      {{$title := index $reference 0}}
+      {{$block := default "" (index $reference 1)}}
+      {{$block = strings.TrimRight "/" (cond (eq $block "") $block (printf "#%s" $block))}}
+      {{$href := strings.TrimRight "/" ($page.GetPage $title).RelPermalink}}
+      {{$display := default $title (index $split 1)}}
+      {{if not $href}}
+        {{$link := printf "<a class=\"internal-link broken\">%s</a>" $display}}
+        {{$content = replace $content . $link}}
+      {{else}}
+        {{$fullhref := printf "%s%s" $href $block }}
+        {{$link := printf "<a href=\"%s\" rel=\"noopener\" class=\"internal-link\" data-src=\"%s\">%s</a>" $fullhref $href $display}}
+        {{$content = replace $content . $link}}
+      {{end}}