diff --git a/assets/js/graph.js b/assets/js/graph.js
index c7634cf..48248ec 100644
--- a/assets/js/graph.js
+++ b/assets/js/graph.js
@@ -1,4 +1,16 @@
-async function drawGraph(baseUrl, pathColors, depth, enableDrag, enableLegend, enableZoom) {
+async function drawGraph(
+  baseUrl,
+  pathColors,
+  depth,
+  enableDrag,
+  enableLegend,
+  enableZoom,
+  isHome,
+  opacityScale,
+  scale,
+  repelForce,
+  fontSize
+) {
   const container = document.getElementById("graph-container")
   const { index, links, content } = await fetchData
@@ -82,12 +94,12 @@ async function drawGraph(baseUrl, pathColors, depth, enableDrag, enableLegend, e
       .on("end", enableDrag ? dragended : noop)
-  const height = Math.max(container.offsetHeight, 250)
+  const height = Math.max(container.offsetHeight, isHome ? 500 : 250)
   const width = container.offsetWidth
   const simulation = d3
-    .force("charge", d3.forceManyBody().strength(-30))
+    .force("charge", d3.forceManyBody().strength(-100 * repelForce))
@@ -102,7 +114,7 @@ async function drawGraph(baseUrl, pathColors, depth, enableDrag, enableLegend, e
     .attr("width", width)
     .attr("height", height)
-    .attr("viewBox", [-width / 2, -height / 2, width, height])
+    .attr('viewBox', [-width / 2 * 1 / scale, -height / 2 * 1 / scale, width * 1 / scale, height * 1 / scale])
   if (enableLegend) {
     const legend = [{ Current: "var(--g-node-active)" }, { Note: "var(--g-node)" }, ...pathColors]
@@ -168,7 +180,7 @@ async function drawGraph(baseUrl, pathColors, depth, enableDrag, enableLegend, e
       const neighbourNodes = d3.selectAll(".node").filter((d) => neighbours.includes(d.id))
       const currentId = d.id
-      window.Million.prefetch(new URL(`${baseUrl}${decodeURI(d.id).replace(/\s+/g, "-")}/`))
+      // window.Million.prefetch(new URL(`${baseUrl}${decodeURI(d.id).replace(/\s+/g, "-")}/`))
       const linkNodes = d3
         .filter((d) => d.source.id === currentId || d.target.id === currentId)
@@ -179,13 +191,18 @@ async function drawGraph(baseUrl, pathColors, depth, enableDrag, enableLegend, e
       // highlight links
       linkNodes.transition().duration(200).attr("stroke", "var(--g-link-active)")
+      const bigFont = fontSize+0.5
       // show text for self
-        .style("opacity", 1)
+        .attr('opacityOld', d3.select(this.parentNode).select('text').style("opacity"))
+        .style('opacity', 1)
+        .style('font-size', bigFont+'em')
+        .attr('dy', d => nodeRadius(d) + 20 + 'px') // radius is in px
     .on("mouseleave", function (_, d) {
       d3.selectAll(".node").transition().duration(200).attr("fill", color)
@@ -197,7 +214,13 @@ async function drawGraph(baseUrl, pathColors, depth, enableDrag, enableLegend, e
       linkNodes.transition().duration(200).attr("stroke", "var(--g-link)")
-      d3.select(this.parentNode).select("text").transition().duration(200).style("opacity", 0)
+      d3.select(this.parentNode)
+      .select("text")
+      .transition()
+      .duration(200)
+      .style('opacity', d3.select(this.parentNode).select('text').attr("opacityOld"))
+      .style('font-size', fontSize+'em')
+      .attr('dy', d => nodeRadius(d) + 8 + 'px') // radius is in px
@@ -208,9 +231,9 @@ async function drawGraph(baseUrl, pathColors, depth, enableDrag, enableLegend, e
     .attr("dy", (d) => nodeRadius(d) + 8 + "px")
     .attr("text-anchor", "middle")
     .text((d) => content[d.id]?.title || d.id.replace("-", " "))
-    .style("opacity", 0)
+    .style('opacity', (opacityScale - 1) / 3.75)
     .style("pointer-events", "none")
-    .style("font-size", "0.4em")
+    .style('font-size', fontSize+'em')
@@ -228,7 +251,7 @@ async function drawGraph(baseUrl, pathColors, depth, enableDrag, enableLegend, e
         .on("zoom", ({ transform }) => {
           link.attr("transform", transform)
           node.attr("transform", transform)
-          const scale = transform.k
+          const scale = transform.k * opacityScale;
           const scaledOpacity = Math.max((scale - 1) / 3.75, 0)
           labels.attr("transform", transform).style("opacity", scaledOpacity)
diff --git a/data/graphConfig.yaml b/data/graphConfig.yaml
index 3f8d3fb..7f08130 100644
--- a/data/graphConfig.yaml
+++ b/data/graphConfig.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,35 @@
+# if true, a Global Graph will be shown on home page with full width, no backlink.
+# A different set of Local Graphs will be shown on sub pages.
+# if false, Local Graph will be default on every page as usual
+enableGlobalGraph: true
+### Local Graph ###
 enableLegend: false
 enableDrag: true
 enableZoom: true
-depth: -1 # set to -1 to show full graph
+depth: 1 # set to -1 to show full graph
+scale: 1
+repelForce: 2
+centerForce: 1
+linkDistance: 1
+fontSize: 0.6
+opacityScale: 3
+### Global Graph ###
+enableLegendGG: false
+enableDragGG: true
+enableZoomGG: true
+depthGG: -1 # set to -1 to show full graph
+scaleGG: 1.2
+repelForceGG: 1
+centerForceGG: 1
+linkDistanceGG: 1
+fontSizeGG: 0.5
+opacityScaleGG: 3
+### Graphs ###
-  - /moc: "#4388cc"
\ No newline at end of file
+  - /moc: "#4388cc"
diff --git a/layouts/index.html b/layouts/index.html
index 8d1ffbd..5053614 100644
--- a/layouts/index.html
+++ b/layouts/index.html
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
           {{partial "recent.html" . }}
-    {{partial "footer.html" .}}
+    {{partial "footerIndex.html" .}}
diff --git a/layouts/partials/footerIndex.html b/layouts/partials/footerIndex.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36c8a8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/layouts/partials/footerIndex.html
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+{{if $.Site.Data.config.enableFooter}}
+  {{if $.Site.Data.graphConfig.enableGlobalGraph}}
+      <div class="page-end">
+        <div>
+            {{partial "graph.html" .}}
+        </div>
+      </div>
+  {{else}}
+      <hr/>
+      <div class="page-end">
+        <div class="backlinks-container">
+            {{partial "backlinks.html" .}}
+        </div>
+        <div>
+            {{partial "graph.html" .}}
+        </div>
+      </div>
+  {{end}}
+{{partial "contact.html" .}}
diff --git a/layouts/partials/head.html b/layouts/partials/head.html
index f10ce14..01b8fe8 100644
--- a/layouts/partials/head.html
+++ b/layouts/partials/head.html
@@ -62,6 +62,12 @@
     const draw = () => {
+      const siteBaseURL = new URL({{$.Site.BaseURL}});
+      const pathBase = siteBaseURL.pathname;
+      const pathWindow = window.location.pathname;
+      const isHome = pathBase == pathWindow ? true : false;
       // NOTE: everything within this callback will be executed for every page navigation. This is a good place to put JavaScript that loads or modifies data on the page.
       {{if $.Site.Data.config.enableFooter}}
       const container = document.getElementById("graph-container")
@@ -70,14 +76,36 @@
       // clear the graph in case there is anything within it
       container.textContent = ""
-      drawGraph(
-        {{strings.TrimRight "/" .Site.BaseURL}},
-        {{$.Site.Data.graphConfig.paths}},
-        {{$.Site.Data.graphConfig.depth}},
-        {{$.Site.Data.graphConfig.enableDrag}},
-        {{$.Site.Data.graphConfig.enableLegend}},
-        {{$.Site.Data.graphConfig.enableZoom}}
-      );
+      if (isHome && {{$.Site.Data.graphConfig.enableGlobalGraph}}) {
+        drawGraph(
+          {{strings.TrimRight "/" .Site.BaseURL}},
+          {{$.Site.Data.graphConfig.paths}},
+          {{$.Site.Data.graphConfig.depthGG}},
+          {{$.Site.Data.graphConfig.enableDragGG}},
+          {{$.Site.Data.graphConfig.enableLegendGG}},
+          {{$.Site.Data.graphConfig.enableZoomGG}},
+          true,
+          {{$.Site.Data.graphConfig.opacityScaleGG}},
+          {{$.Site.Data.graphConfig.scaleGG}},
+          {{$.Site.Data.graphConfig.repelForceGG}},
+          {{$.Site.Data.graphConfig.fontSizeGG}}
+        );
+      } else {
+        drawGraph(
+          {{strings.TrimRight "/" .Site.BaseURL}},
+          {{$.Site.Data.graphConfig.paths}},
+          {{$.Site.Data.graphConfig.depth}},
+          {{$.Site.Data.graphConfig.enableDrag}},
+          {{$.Site.Data.graphConfig.enableLegend}},
+          {{$.Site.Data.graphConfig.enableZoom}},
+          false,
+          {{$.Site.Data.graphConfig.opacityScale}},
+          {{$.Site.Data.graphConfig.scale}},
+          {{$.Site.Data.graphConfig.repelForce}},
+          {{$.Site.Data.graphConfig.fontSize}}
+        );
+      }
       {{if $.Site.Data.config.enableLinkPreview}}