diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
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@@ -13,3 +13,5 @@ Host your second brain and [digital garden](https://jzhao.xyz/posts/digital-gard
 🔗 Get Started: https://quartz.jzhao.xyz/
 ![Quartz Example Screenshot](./screenshot.png)*Quartz Example Screenshot*
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diff --git a/content/notes/obsidian.md b/content/notes/obsidian.md
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--- a/content/notes/obsidian.md
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-title: "Obsidian Vault Integration"
-- setup
-## Setup
-Obsidian is the preferred way to use Quartz. You can either create a new Obsidian Vault or link one that your already have.
-### New Vault
-If you don't have an existing Vault, [download Obsidian](https://obsidian.md/) and create a new Vault in the `/content` folder that you created and cloned during the [setup](notes/setup.md) step.
-### Linking an existing Vault
-The easiest way to use an existing Vault is to copy all of your files (directory and hierarchies intact) into the `/content` folder.
-## Settings
-Great, now that you have your Obsidian linked to your Quartz, let's fix some settings so that they play well.
-1. Under Options > Files and Links, set the New link format to always be Absolute Path in Vault.
-2. Go to Settings > Files & Links > Turn "on" automatically update internal links.
-![Obsidian Settings](/notes/images/obsidian-settings.png)*Obsidian Settings*
-## Templates
-Inserting front matter everytime you want to create a new Note gets annoying really quickly. Luckily, Obsidian supports templates which makes inserting new content really easily.
-**If you decide to overwrite the `/content` folder completely, don't remove the `/content/templates` folder!**
-Head over to Options > Core Plugins and enable the Templates plugin. Then go to Options > Hotkeys and set a hotkey for 'Insert Template' (I recomment `[cmd]+T`). That way, when you create a new note, you can just press the hotkey for a new template and be ready to go!
\ No newline at end of file
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