17 lines
673 B
Org Mode
17 lines
673 B
Org Mode
:ID: 020c5410-998b-46fb-8c5e-59013dd30db4
#+title: Index
#+hugo_section: ./
These are my thoughts.
I use [[https://www.orgroam.com/][org-roam]] to manage these thoughts and [[https://github.com/kaushalmodi/ox-hugo/tree/main][ox-hugo]] along with [[https://github.com/jackyzha0/quartz][Quartz]] to publish them.
The source code of this thought garden in the form of an [[https://www.orgroam.com/][org-roam]] directory can be found [[https://cosmicflow.space:3030/DibyashanuPati/thought_garden][here]].
* Topics
Here are some things I think about
** [[id:0a87430b-6616-4f92-8ecc-22ceeebf43c6][Emacs]]